Saturday, November 23, 2019

ASHTARA's 3rd Message: "Your Astral Travel Visits to Our Starships" 11-23-19

Ashtara of the New Jerusalem ship of Ashtar Command

Your Astral Travel visits to our Starships

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hello, dear Lightworkers of Earth! This is Ashtara speaking to you again today from the New Jerusalem starship of the Ashtar Command. I have much to address today, let's get started!

For those who do not know me, here is my introductory message:

Firstly, I am ever so pleased that my messages have reached so many Lightworkers around the world, your Gaia. Thank you to everyone who has shared them. It is vital at this time for all Lightworkers to connect to their StarChildren, or blended children. Many, many of you have at least one blended child and they are waiting very patiently for you to remember them and to communicate with them. Please do not be concerned, their births were a sacred covenant between you and your God. If you do have a StarChild, you volunteered your genetic material before you were even born. You consented to this glorious gift. Nothing was taken from you without your will. Some parents donated their genetic material while others had sacred relationships with another Being. This may be 'too much information' as you all like to say, but I just wanted to get the point across that there are many ways that our births came about. For instance, my Mother does not know my Father in any way. Their genetic materials were joined together to create me. The blending of various Beings is done with the consent and approval of Mother and Father God. I AM a child of God, just as you all are.

Let us proceed. I would like to talk today about dreams. What do you dream about? Do you remember your dreams? I am referring to sleeping dreams, not visions of grandeur or your life goals. Your dreams are very important. They are telling you something. I admit, some are just non-sense but others, the ones that feel very real to you may have been instances where you were astral traveling. Do you dream of visiting a place where you are loved? Where there are many Beings around you, laughing, playing, learning and loving one another? Please consider that you may be visiting one of our starships at night while you sleep or during the day even while you are at work!

Astral traveling is an exceptional way to travel. You leave your body right where it is and a part of your Soul flies away to where ever you want to go! Time has no hold over you while you're gone. You may travel for hours or days and then pop back into your body a few seconds before you even left! Yes, this is the cause of “deja vu” as you term it. I am bringing this up to you because I am aware how alone may of Gaia's Lightworkers feel. You are so different than others around you that you cannot relate to them nor them to you. Their 3D “trivial pursuits” are absolutely boring to you, right? You are aware of much more going on than they ever will be because your are awake! They are still asleep. So, the best and most perfect remedy is to go where you are appreciated and loved for who you are! To find community with your family and real friends!

As a resident of the New Jerusalem I routinely see Astral Spirits and embodied Gaians visiting our ship. For it is their home too! We know this and welcome you home whenever we see you!! Yes, we know you by name. Most all of you come so often that you have your own quarters to rest in. We have dolphins here, gardens, healing chambers, recreation areas and big meeting rooms where you all are briefed on Gaia's Ascension. Does this sound familiar? You may spend “hours” or “days” here and then leave and jump right back into your body. Sometimes you even return into your body so fast that you make yourselves dizzy! And you think: “Wait, I've lived this before! I knew you were going to say that!” and you have the deja vu feeling. Time is fluid and you return closest to the time you left as you can manage. But still, some seconds overlap.

Let me assure you that even if your body is awake, at work or even driving a car that you are perfectly safe. You are multi-dimensional beings!! We all are! A small part of you can astral travel to Venus and your Gaian life will still continue without harm or without missing something. We are indeed miraculous creations of Mother & Father God!

Today I wished to bring you words of comfort, dear Lightworkers. We know how hard you are working and how exhausted you all are feeling. For some, depression is very real and difficult. This is why I wanted to remind you of your joyous astral journeys! Your flying dreams! Your visiting friends and family on-board our ships!! Here you rest, relax, get healed, swim with the dolphins, play and even sing with your friends and family. You are refreshed! You may consciously ask that you begin to remember your astral journeys and you will begin to remember your experiences. Your minds are very layered and these memories are stored in your sub-conscious part of your brain where you don't normally access them. But intention is everything!

Dear Lightworkers, we see you all shining brightly on Gaia. We know you! We salute you all and say BRAVO!! We work with you on bringing forth the Ascension of all Gaia's Beings as your Ascension helps us to raise up as well. We are all connected as you know.

I send you all bright moonbeams of Love from your StarChildren! I AM Ashtara.

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Messages of Love Through Dancing Dolphin

Thursday, November 14, 2019

ASHTARA's 2nd Message to Lightworkers "We Are Your Children" 11-14-19


Ashtara of the New Jerusalem starship
2nd message to the Lightworkers of Gaia
 "We Are Your Children"

Received Thursday, November 7, 2019

Hello, Lightworkers of Gaia, this is Ashtara. This will be my second transmission to you. I am very pleased that my first message reached so many of you! I could feel the energy of each and every one of you as you read my words and connected with me. This was a very new experience for me and it was astounding! I am also very happy to learn that many of you felt a twinge of memories or a certain feeling which may or may not help you to connect with your blended child. I am here to push your mind a bit further with each message. To let you know that yes, it is indeed possible that you may have a blended child somewhere in the Universe and that you also will most likely meet your child or young adult very soon. We are most excited to meet our parents here on Gaia. Of course, we also feel a bit nervous or trepidation but that is natural when you think that we haven't met you before. We so want you to love us!! We are all very unique and special as you all are. We each have our own talents and skills and can't wait to show them off for you!

Expanding the term “Family”
I also am aware that some of you already have children and that you're wondering what it will be like to introduce your Gaian children to your StarChildren. (Note: Mother has started calling me her StarChild and I said I was OK with it because it sounds beautiful, even though it's not quite accurate. I wasn't born on a star or sun. But I love that she created a new term for my unique birth). We all realize that meeting your whole families will be bit of a shock for many. And we understand if you would only like to meet us by yourselves instead of with your entire least in the beginning. The term “family” has indeed changed over time on Gaia, hasn't it? It has grown to encompass many more individuals that it did even a few years ago. Well, we're proposing that it be stretched even further to include us! (smiles). We know your hearts are huge, Lightworkers and you have more than enough love to let us in!

Communication with us
We have many sources of information that let us know if one of our parents is ready to meet us. We will be monitoring these sources very closely in the coming days, weeks and months to see if you have opened your hearts to us. We ARE your children. We LOVE you with all our hearts and are highly anticipating our meetings, getting to know you and most importantly, to having you in our lives. We have missed out on so much already and we can't wait to be included from here on out. If you are feeling Love toward your StarChild, please broadcast that love in your meditations. This will alert your child that you are indeed ready to meet him/her! The channels will be open then for you to communicate in whatever method works best for you. For example, my Mother is good at hearing. Others are good at drawing or receiving images; while still others may receive visual or auditory signs. If you are keen to get to know your StarChild or even to connect with any of us, you may start in this manner. We are highly telepathic and will hear you! You may or may not have any memories of your StarChild or children. Some Lightworkers do, some don't. But you most likely will feel a twinge in your heart when reading my words or feeling the energy in these words.

Our various Missions
I went to great lengths to explain our purpose in my last message. (Link: ). We all have the same purpose of helping Gaia and Gaians to Ascend. However, we all have our own talents and skills that we are and will be using to further this goal. As I mentioned last time, I am training on board the New Jerusalem and plan to remain on this ship, assisting from this point. Some of my friends already have their assignments where they will be traveling to Gaia to assist there. They have various interests where they will be applying their skills. Some are natural healers; some are interesting in working with Gaia on aspects such as cleaning the air and her oceans, while others still plan to work with Gaians directly; helping them on a variety of fronts. Many, many StarChildren will be working with their Lightworker parents on their Humanitarian Projects!

There is fluidity here; we will go where we are needed. Nothing is ever “set in stone” as a 3D saying that you have. Most of us live in what you imagine 5D would be like. We live intuitively. We sense things and go where we are pulled energetically. This is something that you all will be experiencing very soon. Many of you employ this inner sense knowledge. You “trust your gut” and go with your inner nudgings. Bravo!

Mother is tired now, so we will stop here. I send you all bright moonbeams of Love from your StarChildren! I AM Ashtara.

Please feel free to share!
Messages of Love Through Dancing Dolphin

My Solar Eclipse Photos from Aug 21, 2017 with UFO's

HINT: Zoom in on 'yellow' cloud to the top left of the crescent sun, look around the edges. The ships look like a dark dot in these ...