Monday, September 2, 2024

Timely message for Lightworkers: Metatron, Sananda, Mother Mary & Ashtar


September Update for Lightworkers 

Metatron, Sananda, Mother Mary & Ashtar

September 1, 2024

Hello, Lightworkers! I felt a giddy energy this morning combined with an intense heart-filled love that made me cry. I sensed that someone wanted to give me a message for the Lightworkers and I could feel the urgency of it. I am grateful for the holiday weekend in the USA so I was able to sit down to my computer. After grounding and protection I asked Metatron to guard the gate and to speak as well if he wished.


Hello, Diana, it is I, Metatron here to serve as your Gatekeeper and also I wish to speak with the Lightworkers. Seems like many of you have had a difficult time with the energies ramping up so high. This is to be expected. You are doing a stellar job of holding the light and anchoring it into Gaia. I have seen that some of you feel like you're not doing a good job—but you are indeed. You are doing fabulously just by BE-ING here, boots on the ground and bringing this extra intense light energy in through your physical bodies. It's OK to feel exhausted, drained of all energy, body aching all the time, etc. Please listen to your body and follow it's direction on what it needs; be it extra rest, fluids, grounding, salt bath, what have you. It will tell you what it needs. Please honor it and this will ease your symptoms.

You ARE doing God's work! This IS what you came here to do and you are doing it marvelously. You also cannot help but share and shine this light as you go about your day. Whether you are grocery shopping, meditating, crashed out on the couch, or at work. Your bodies have been integrating these light downloads and have transmuted it into useable energy to beam out. Do you see? You are indeed lighthouses!!! You are blasting this light and love out to those who are wondering about aimlessly in the dark. They need you and you are there! And all you need BE is to BE there—on Gaia. You don't have to DO anything other than to be BE.

Of course, there are ways you can focus and send out your energy to directed places or people who need it most. Or, you can visualize covering your whole globe with a blanket of soft, white comforting light. You have wanted to be 'of service' and I wanted to speak today to inform you that you are indeed being of service this very moment!! This happens as you sip your coffee (or tea), pet your dog (or cat) and daydream about shining light and love to all those around you. Imagine a 5 mile radius around your home. Start small. Fill it with light and love, then continue to expand it to your city, state, country and then to all of Gaia. The more you share, the more your heart will burst with love! Try it! It makes this one cry. This pure Source love and light is so intense and yet gentle.

You are all doing a stellar job. Please know this in your hearts. You are accomplishing your mission at this very moment. Find the peace in that for it is truth. Others who had similar missions may have crossed over but they are able to continue their mission from where they are. You are supported from many realms, dear hearts. This life has not been a fool's errand, or one lived in vain. It is a successful life and one well lived. You have all suffered greatly but have stayed strong. How do I know this? If you weren't strong, you wouldn't still be here doing this sacred work. Staying steady to offer those who are lost a loving hand or hug. “Everything will be OK” your energy says to them. Things may get rockier from here but stand strong together, dear Lightworkers! Shine your lights, blast them out of your Lighthouses and know that you are supported and loved. This is your Metatron.

Thank you, dear Metatron for this inspiring message!!

You are welcome dear heart. Now I shall serve as your Gatekeeper and allow the next speaker to come through.


It is I, Sananda here to bring you grateful tidings of love on this fair day. I have seen how many Lightworkers are indeed putting on a tough face and taking a stand when it comes to raising their frequency in order to help the collective ascend. They are working very hard and we see this. We want to say Thank You from the bottom of our hearts! Monitoring your positive thoughts, emotions and energy is of utmost importance at this time. Thank you!!!! Your service is very much appreciated and treasured, dear Lightworkers. Your energy boosts will continue to be ramped up by Mother God/Source and by your Galactic Family who are also sending these intense energies to Gaia. This will continue in volume and intensity until the Grand Solar Flash will burst upon the scene.

I understand and empathize with you on feeling like sometimes it's just too much. This one sometimes feels like she is charged up like a battery and we have seen her use her grounding mat to help elevate that feeling. It is highly recommended to do whatever you can to bring yourself & your body comfort. Brother Metatron spoke on this subject beautifully before I stepped in, so I will not repeat.

I am here to thank you and remind you to monitor your thoughts, for your thoughts have very strong manifestation powers. Only focus on what it is you wish to amplify! Sometimes you may wake up 'in a funk' as this one says. You can change this just by focusing on happy thoughts as you all know, but often forget. Another example is how your body is hurting and you may suddenly think “I'm getting sick.” Your body goes hot to cold in a flash, you're dizzy, head hurts, joints ache, etc. A way to turn around this thinking is to acknowledge that it's the energies that are causing you to feel this way. Know that you are healthy!! You are healthy! Think positively in all aspects as much and often as you can. We are encouraging you to do this, to consciously do this until it becomes an unconscious response. These small actions collectively raise humanity's vibration. Every action counts dear hearts!

We are with all of you every moment of every day and night! We send you our love! We are winning! You have our love and support always. We will see you soon and you will celebrate with us!


Dear heart, this is Mother Mary, I am the Ascended Master know as Mother Mary. I wanted to step up to speak to all Lightworkers on this day to offer my heartfelt respect for what you have accomplished so far, and to offer the encouragement to stay on track and keep going! You amaze me. You all amaze me! Your strong and steady dedication to your mission is a tribute to your pure hearts. To still be here at this stage of the game is nothing short of an astonishing accomplishment. You are the pinnacle of light warriors! Thank you, I AM grateful for your Service!!!!!

Yes, we all work as a Team and we all have our specialties. Yours is to be a transmuter of the light and yes, a Lighthouse to power it out all over Gaia, to each and every person. Time is short until your mission is complete. Please continue doing what you came here to do for a short time longer until it is done. We need you. We support and love you unceasingly. Call on any of us, call on me and we will be here to lift you up! Instantly! You are never alone, many of us are by your side at all times.

You are strong! You are light warriors and love holders. You receive Mother God's light, transmute it with your bodies and then share it with her love infused in the light blasts that you send. You can do this right now from you room or your car! Intention is key as you know. You are the pure hearts with intense courage who took on this mission and we will all be victorious! What a long journey we have enjoyed and endured together. We have all played many parts, taken on various lifetimes, bodies and missions to get here. We're a breath away from the finish line, dear hearts!!! Soon you will enjoy our loving embrace and celebrate with us. We in the higher realms see this and are pre-celebrating at this moment. Bask in our love, encouragement, respect and awe of YOU. I AM your Mother Mary.


What can I say? What is left to say when one goes last? (chuckles). This is Ashtar and I represent your Galactic Family, dear ones. The Angelics and Ascended Masters have been represented here and so I thought I would give you my perspective and voice. This Grand Experiment has been going on for eons and is “a breath away” of being complete, we are told. 

Gaia was over-run with the dark and it was ALL OF US who answered the call from Mother God to step up and return the Light to Gaia so she and her people may ascend. Yes, we all took on many characters, suits, lives in many forms to assist. “High” or “low” we have always worked together. We planned out our lives before coming into existence each time. You--all of you--have Soul Sparks (as this one calls them), or "other lives" where you were indeed a Galactic. And, we galactics have all had experiences living on Gaia or other planets. This long, arduous Ascension process has occurred all over the galaxy and universe. Gaia's rebirth is not the first and will not be the last. This does not in any way diminish any of our work!!

Gaia's Ascension has been a monumental undertaking for all of us. I dare say though, it has been one of the most difficult that I recall. The level of complexity of The Plan is daunting. As you may or may not see, the continuing efforts of your planet's military combined with our assistance at Mother God's request to remove the dark ones from your planet has been arduous to say the least. That, combined with the dismantling the powers of the dark ones over your world's leaders and governments is another aspect that we, your Galactic Family, have been working on for many, many years. We have indeed been working with Gaia's light forces and your Leaders with a light quotionet high enough to visualize and make this plan a reality. The dark had taken over every aspect of humanity and that tangled web has been difficult to remove. We also are grateful for the support of Light Beings and loved ones who have crossed over to assist us with this exhausting work.

We (the Galactic Federation as you call us) are a collective of many galaxies who have a commitment to assist Mother God with her pronouncements. We could not have continued this work without the spiritual assistance that we have received. You--Lightworkers, the “boots on the ground” are an integral part of this enormous mission! We all have our talents and together we are a well-oiled machine, using this one's parlance. I do not have the knowledge of when our missions will be complete. However, I wanted to offer our thanks and support to our Gaian brothers and sisters. We all shall meet soon and we are greatly looking forward to it! We love you immensely.

THANK YOU, Metatron, Sananda, Mother Mary and Ashtar for coming to speak with us this morning. We are very grateful for your love, support and offers of encouragement.


Please feel free to share! 

Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

Saturday, April 6, 2024

My Solar Eclipse Photos from Aug 21, 2017 with UFO's

HINT: Zoom in on 'yellow' cloud to the top left of the crescent sun, look around the edges. The ships look like a dark dot in these photos.  Within 2 minutes, my phone camera captured from 7 to 55 ships lining up for us to see!

                                                                                        Photo#1 - 2:33 pm EST

                                                                                                Photo#2 - 2:35 pm EST

                                                                                                Photo#3 - 2:35 pm EST

                                                                                               Photo#4 - 2:35 pm EST

Hello Dear Friends all over the world!

On August 21, 2017 I was lucky to come home from work for lunch and take pictures in my back yard during the time of the Total Solar Eclipse. Location: just north of Dayton, Ohio USA. We did not have total blackout here. I used a filter lens from my telescope over my phone camera, this is why pictures are orange/reddish. Also, it was partly cloudy here.  When I viewed them on my computer that night I was blown away! OUR GALACTIC FAMILY WANTED TO BE SEEN! They were showing off!  

I'm sharing these pictures with you now to encourage you to take as many photos as you can on April 8th, wherever you are!  In 2017 I was not in the 'blackout' path, but this year I will be :-)  PLEASE SHARE!

#1 - 7 ships visible - 2:33 pm
#2 - 32 ships "  2:35 pm
#3 - 36 ships " 2:35 pm
#4 - 55 ships " 2:35 pm

Notice how quickly the sun is being covered up!  And, the more the sun is hidden, the more ships we can see! I am very excited to see the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse.  I will be taking pictures with a dark lens on my phone camera and I hope that you will be too!

When I see this type of ship on a normal day, they look like white balls of light.  At night they look like stars moving through the sky.  Our Starry Brothers & Sisters use telepathy.  I call to them in my mind and ask them to show up for me, especially when I'm feeling homesick. I feel their loving response in my heart.  I always say: Hello, dear family!  I love you! 

Here's a link to videos from James Gilliland of ECETI Ranch in Oregon, USA to see more of these type of ships.   James Gilliland - ECETI

Peter Maxwell Slattery in Australia has amazing videos also!

Much love to all!  
Dancing Dolphin Diana

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

* METAMORPHOSIS * A Message for Lightworkers & Humanitarians from Dancing Dolphin 8-9-22


Art by Stephen Curtis - artist & musician

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Greetings Lightworkers & Humanitarians!

We have endured much these many years together; it's been rough at times for sure. However, the trials of our journey through this testing process have not been in vain. The waiting and repeated disappointments have tempered the steel of our convictions to be strong and yet pliable for the next adventure. We traversed this process with strength and courage and have been assisted by the Higher Realms as well.

We may not have felt worthy at times and many of us still do not. But we were indeed chosen to experience this GREAT SHIFT and we made the decision to participate also. It was not a decision that we made lightly. It was pre-planned and contemplated before we even came back to Earth. We all chose to be here for this grand moment! Many, many other Souls wished to be here too, but we were specifically chosen after volunteering for this mission.

We do not take this mission lightly. For we have all battled countless lifetimes of hatred and fear to get here now. The experiences we’ve had along the way were preparing us all for what lies ahead. We will be strong, kind, compassionate and full of love. We will share our gifts with the utmost care and consideration. We are of the Earth and come up from the ranks of those who have experienced lack ourselves. This experience will help us to eradicate lack with a swift motion, a flick of our swords. Soon after, we will then be able to lay down our swords and let them rest.

The time is now that we are to step into our new mission and start our lives from scratch! We have been hiding in our cocoons for years now. Gathering our strength and recreating our bodies, minds, and spirits. It is time for us to break out of our cocoons and breathe new life into the New Earth. We indeed are the meek of the Earth, but we are also mighty. We use our Mighty I Am Presence to connect with our Creator, Mother and Father God; the Company of Heaven, Our Galactic families, Gaia and all her Kingdoms and all other Lightworkers and Starseeds. Together, we can do anything!

Our Soul Sparks are here too, and they give us strength and courage. All the lives and times we have experienced are here now, connected to us. We claim our wisdom and talents from all the lives we have lived. Past, present and future time doesn’t exist. We are all connected in the NOW. NOW is the time for us to manifest this New Earth!! Together. Let’s bust out of our cocoons and spread our wings. Allow them to drip dry and then take off together. Shall we? Will you join me?


You are my brothers and sisters, and I am honored to be here, standing tall with all of you!! When I look out over our gorgeous home of Gaia, I see your lights shining brightly. Yes, we have been keeping them dim as we struggled through these changes. But now, let’s step out and blast our love and light for everyone to see.

We will gather together in the future, make no mistake! There will be grand events worldwide where we can share love, hugs and talk about our projects. We will discuss what we are creating in the New Earth. And in so sharing, we will continue to inspire others to listen to their hearts. Then, we will bless them with our gifts and nurture their creative spirits so they may bless others.

Our metamorphosis is now complete! It’s time for our new lives to begin. Are you ready? Don’t worry, we’re in this together and we are supported and loved more than we can comprehend. I’m honored to be here with you, dear brothers, and sisters of the light! Namaste!

With Love & Light,
Dancing Dolphin Diana

Please feel free to share!

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Question: Timing of RV, Med-Beds, Timeline split, Solar Flash/Ascension? 3-31-22


Timing of RV, Med-Beds, Timeline split, Solar Flash/Ascension?
Arch Angel Michael, Commander Ashtar & Mother Mary

 *Also introducing Dr. Joy Love sharing her Solar Flash vision & guidance at end of messages*

Received Saturday, March 26, 2022


What’s happening with the RV, Med-Beds, Solar Flash/Ascension, Timeline split?  I asked my contacts to provide a message for Lightworkers if they had something to share on this topic.  I asked for clarification only because I realize that we cannot get timing on these events.  This was a verbal message and I transcribed it later, over a few days.  

I also asked Metatron to be my Gate Keeper for protection and to allow only one Being in at a time.  Thank you, Amanda Ellis for this great idea!  

METATRON:   Arch Angel Michael is first.


Greetings, Lightworkers!  This something that need not be talked about.  It is not important to anyone’s spiritual growth to know the future.  It is only relevant for those who have not done the work, who have not purged themselves of malignancies, of dark thoughts and deeds; those who are not focused on the light.  These are the only ones who need this type of information…meaning that you and your Lightworker friends who are indeed already ‘high above’ the rest have no worries.  Because no matter how it plays out, dear hearts, you will all be taken care of! 

I realize that it has been very difficult for the Lightworkers.  You have had a hard time your whole lives.  You have used your shields and protected yourselves as much as possible, but many arrows still pierced your hearts.  Those with closed hearts and minds felt threatened by your willingness to step outside the norm, your curiosity, and your bravery.  They were jealous so they taunted and ridiculed you.  I say to all of you---kudos for standing your ground!!  Even if this cruel treatment made you go silent.  You still stood your ground and continued your pursuit of the truth, of the light and of spiritual knowledge.  You were true to your Soul.  So, kudos to all of you!  Congratulations!  Bravo!

You are a special group!  Lightworkers and Starseeds, you’re doing an outstanding job!  If this so-called timeline splits at this very moment, you have no concern.  Those of the lower vibration will go their way and you need not worry what happens to them.  They have chosen their path. You have chosen to search out the light and to gain knowledge. 

Those of you who have planned to become Humanitarians, you are prepared for that positive outcome.  So, if the RV happens--you are prepared and ready for your Redemption Appointments. You will share your heart about what you wish to do, then let the chips fall where they may. 

If the “solar flash” (Ascension) that you have heard about arrives first, you will be gently guided on a new path.  Those of you who are ready for your next leap will be ushered on a path towards that outcome.  Your Soul and Higher Self have absolute choice over what you want to do!  This is not something that is done to you.  I will not go into details about that, but just know that everything will be done for your highest good. So, I say this with the most love and respect to all of you:  I wish you to be at peace and not to worry about what may happen.

If these so-called Med-Beds are coming or not is not important; because either you will have them when the RV occurs, or you will not need them because of the Flash/Ascension.  So, you are fine!  And even if some of your family members or closest friends chose the “other” path, you will be at ease with that because you know that they made the choice that is best for their Soul direction. 

Be at ease, dear Ones.  I love you all more than you can know, and I am very happy to speak with you tonight.  This is your Arch Angel Michael.  I will sign off now.  (Thank you, AA Michael!)

METATRON:  Next up is Ashtar, he would like to say something as well.


Hello, dear Lightworkers of Gaia!  This is Commander Ashtar, and this indeed is my title.  We know that there are multiple storylines floating about Gaia within various circles.  Possible outcomes and many timeline projections are being shared on your internet.  And that’s exactly what they are—projections.  I want to explain a bit about “how things happen” for humans on Gaia. 

We (Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation) came to Gaia many years ago at Mother & Father’s request to assist Gaia with her and her people’s Ascension.  Gaia herself is an Arch Angel, a very evolved Being full of love.  She stepped into this role of becoming a planet and taking it from darkness to light.  Through billions of years Gaia held steadfast while things happened that were unexpected and countless civilization rose and fell.  She stayed the course with love and patience in her heart. 

Many of you on the planet now have been here since right after Gaia’s creation.  The call rang out and you volunteered to assist with this grand experiment we call “Project Gaia.”  You, through your various “Soul Sparks” (you may call them past or future lives) worked tirelessly by planting seeds of light on Gaia and in the hearts of mankind over thousands of years.  Your Soul Sparks have lived lives on Gaia, on other planets and even on our ships.  Dancing Dolphin has met two of her Soul Sparks who both have served in the Galactic Federation at different times; in different capacities and who hail from two different planets.  So, we all are family dear Ones, all family, and we’re all working on this massive project together!  The Project is to bring Gaia back to the light.  To bring Gaia (and all her peoples) up, up through all the steps of Ascension, from the dark to this light.

Some of you help us with this in ways that you aren’t consciously aware of.  For example, you come up to our ships as your body is sleeping.  Your Soul travels via Astral Projection to participate in meetings with us.  You are our “Boots on the Ground” and give us reports on what’s happening on Gaia from your point of view; for example, how people are thinking and feeling around you.  You provide us with information that we use to help make certain decisions. 

HOWEVER--and this is VERY, VERY, IMPORTANT!  What happens with your Timelines, whether the RV, the Med-Beds or the Solar Flash comes first is not controlled by us!  The HUMAN COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS OF GAIA is controlling what is happening.  You all give feedback through your subconscious, and you all decide together what happens.  Whether the RV goes, whether this or that happens, even down to weather or wars.  I know some of you think that it’s “God” that does this, but this is an INTERACTIVE EXPERIMENT, and YOU ALL ARE IN CONTROL.  We assist. 

So, if most humans on Gaia feel that “this is taking too long” or “this is going too fast, we need to slow it down” then that is what happens.  You all decide together, and we assist in carrying out your directions.  Regarding things like splitting timelines—we can assist with that, but we do not interfere.  It is your collective call!  Mother and Father don’t interfere either. So, I cannot tell you when Med-Beds are coming or if the RV or Ascension will happen first, etc.  I can’t tell you because I don’t know.  You all collectively decide that!  OK?  You decide it together. 

Understand that it is your Higher Selves that are making these vital decisions—not your 3D or 4D minds.  Many of you in your 3D or 4D minds may be saying “I can’t stand it anymore!  It’s horrible here!  We must go now!”  But your Higher Selves who are wise and a little bit removed will say things like “We’re not ready yet, not ready to jump.  We want more people.”  This last example is what has been occurring in the last 10-15 years as you have been rapidly approaching your Ascension. 

You may not like to hear this, but you also collectively decide if something like a pandemic would be beneficial in the long run.  Meaning, look how that has changed everyone’s lives in just a very short period.  It woke many people up by taking them out of their daily grind.  Many people were forced to change the way that they worked and lived.  Families were able to spend more time together and the result was a change in perspective.  Humans took stock of their lives and decided what was important to them.  As a result, there are many positive outcomes that were realized even with the tragic loss of life; and you ALL decided that.  There were those who instigated this course of action by creating the virus but collectively you allowed it to happen.  And I will add that you allowed it to happen with the least number of casualties possible.  It could have been a billion times worse, but you all controlled that.  OK?  I am trying to give you a clue on how powerful you are!  Individually and as a Group. 

This is a very interesting and fantastic question, Dancing Dolphin, and I’m so glad that you asked it.  I’m aware that some of you who are awake and conscious have been practicing group meditations.  I’m hoping that you all realize how powerful you are together, how you can control your future together!  You choose what you want to happen and make it so.  You (individually and collectively) can do that!  State your intent, visualize what you want and so it is!  Keep focusing on what you want.  Don’t listen to all the other storylines floating about.  That doesn’t do you any good.  That pulls you out of your power because then you begin to question, flip-flop and worry needlessly.  Step into your power and stay in your power. 

All the powerful energies that have been coming into Gaia are lighting the way for you all.  They are making it possible for your intent to become more focused and manifestations to come with ease.  The timing of the Spring in the northern hemisphere is not by accident.  It is a magical time of renewal and rebirth for Gaia and for you as well. You are stepping forth into your new reality.  Join together, consciously create what you want, and you will have it.  Including, if you wish, helping those who are in 3D to wake up gently with their highest good in mind.  You can imagine that.  I wouldn’t say manifest it because it is their choice.  But you can imagine it happening and you can help them.  And that’s what you all have been doing.  You have been doing all of this to help all of those who are still sleeping.  So, I would encourage you, if you wish, to include these 3D people in your visualizations, imaginations, and your hopefulness of what the future may hold.  Some these people who are on the verge of leaving 3D and going into 4D; they have become more empathetic and compassionate.

We see, we understand, and we hear you speaking in our meetings, and we tap into the collective unconsciousness.  We witness all the suffering, depression and angst that is going on.  The lockdowns were extremely difficult for everyone and now people are worried about a nuclear war.  I will say to you, a nuclear war is not going to happen, it is not allowed to happen.  PLEASE don’t worry about that!  However, this fear of that can be turned into something good.  In the same way that the fear of the virus helped people to wake up and realize that they shouldn’t take their lives for granted and that life itself is precious.  Humans have been so focused on survival; working just to buy food and have a place to sleep that they forgot about living—through no fault of their own. 

Remember—Humanity on Gaia now is the Guiding Force of your destiny. THE ONE WHO DETERMINES YOUR FUTURE IS YOU! YOU ALL!  Your Collective Consciousness!  There is no need to look outside of yourselves.  That’s what I wished to tell you.  YOU HAVE THE POWER, so make it happen how you want it.  Create the world that you want! 

We have been so pleased as we watched you all come together to stand up for your rights and freedoms and for the disenfranchised.  We have been so blessed to watch this and are so proud of you!  And in the same way, we know that you can do this! You absolutely have the will to create your own beautiful world in exactly the way that you wish it to be. 

We cheer you on constantly!  The Company of Heaven cheers you on!  We are your biggest fans, dear Ones.  You are the rock stars, OK? (laughs), or comic book heroes, that’s who you are!  I will leave you all with these invigorating and empowering thoughts.  You are not at the whim of some god-like being or out of control alien invaders.  YOU ARE THE HEROES!  That’s the way it works.  That’s the way it’s set up, that’s what’s happening. 

I am closing, but I want to add this: things change quickly. You know the phrase “nothing’s set in stone”?  Yes?  Well, please remember that a switch can be flipped very quickly.  Meaning that if enough of you reach a certain level, something can happen instantly.  Your constant input, manifestations and your intents are extremely important to focus on throughout your day.  Even if you are busy at work, stop and imagine the world that you want as often as possible. Keep feeding your positive intent into the mix and that’s how it’s done.

Thank you for your time.  I thank you for listening.  I am pleased to come speak with you tonight about this because it’s extremely important.  And we love and support you all!  We’re here to help.  Reach out to us if you want to talk.  There are many, many of us on the ships who would love to talk to you all.  Many of you have Soul Sparks on the ships and I know that they would love to talk with you.  Sleep well!  Live well! 

You are powerful beings, more powerful than you know and we love you. 

Yours, Ashtar.

Thank you, Ashtar for coming to speak with us tonight!  I felt your strength and conviction as you were speaking.  We are grateful for your message.  

METATRON: Last to speak is Mother Mary.


Dear Dancing Dolphin, this is your Mother Mary, the one who you think of as the Mother Mary, I AM an Ascended Being.  I wish to come in quickly to say that all the Ascended Masters are watching over all of you.  We’re sending you our love and strength--extra courage for those who need it.  All the support that you need—we are sending it. 

We know how many are suffering at this time, and we encourage you all to hang in there as long as you can.  I agree completely with what Arch Angel Michael and Commander Ashtar have said and I wanted to add that all of us are behind you all!  We are giving you our love and support. 

We are proud of you!  We are confident that you will be successful in whatever outcome that you choose.  We encourage you to gather together!  Gather in meditation, gather in pure thought, and state your intents as often as possible.  You are indeed powerful beings!

I send you my love.  I am very pleased to speak with you all on this night.

Eternal love,

Mother Mary

Thank you, dear Mother Mary for closing the messages tonight with your love and support.  We are grateful. 

Thank you, dear Metatron for serving as my Gate Keeper.  I AM grateful for your assistance.



Last week, Dr. Joy Love had a vivid dream in which she received a vision of the Flash and asked me to share it with you all. In the vision she was driving in her neighborhood and the surroundings looked like early Spring where she lives. She suddenly felt what she described as a magnetizing energy wave come over her and she was compelled to lay down.

She got out of her car and laid down on the road and briefly lost consciousness. She’d seen other cars and drivers around her, and they were all doing the same, so she wasn’t worried about being run over. People were calm. Later she came to and got up into her car to lay down on the seat to be more comfortable. This vision gave her the feeling that this event is coming soon.

After waking up and in the days that followed, Dr. Joy Love began to get guidance regarding the Flash. She feels that we should be prepared to be down for 3 days or so.

Here are additional tips from her:

1. Dress comfortably, go lay down when you feel compelled to.

2. Remember your pets and plants! Put food and water out for pets and a place for them to potty. Water your plants.

3. If you have a battery clock and a small notebook and pen, keep them by your bedside to keep track of days passing as most will want to know what day it is when we come to.

4. Perhaps keep fresh water and a snack nearby also.

5. She sensed that our bodies know what is going on and we will not soil ourselves in bed (or where-ever we are laying down).

6. Clean your kitchen and freeze things that may go bad in a few days, such as bananas.

7. Keep some healthy snacks and ready to eat type meals on hand so when everyone wakes up you can feed them quickly.

8. If you wake up before others do, please check on your family, neighbors, friends and all their pets.

Contact information:


Please feel free to share!

Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

**02-02-2022 Patricia Cota Robles - Aquarian Gateway**


Attention all Lightworkers & Starseeds! 


Today I AM sharing a wonderful video from Patricia Cota Robles ( on the Aquarian Gateway that is happening NOW!  We are so blessed to be here and now to participate in this celestial and spiritual event!  

Vlog 256 - The Aquarian Gateway 02-02-2022

Love, Light & Blessings,

Dancing Dolphin

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

ASHTAR COMMAND: AN INSIDER'S PERSPECTIVE - Dancing Dolphin and her Higher Self Chat 12-29-21

 Ashtar Command: An insider’s perspective Dancing Dolphin & her Higher Self chat

Received: Sunday, December 26, 2021

DancingDolphin: I would like to speak about the Ashtar Command, is that OK with you?

HigherSelf: Yes, of course.

DD:  Thank you!  OK, this past week some disturbing information was released from two sources in Spiritual circles regarding the Ashtar Command and how it does not contact people on Gaia—period.  Supposedly, anyone who has had contact with Ashtar or has received a message from Ashtar has been duped and is part of a psy-op program to spread fear-based messages.

I take offense to this for many reasons:

1.  My blended daughter, Ashtara is currently aboard the AC’s New Jerusalem starship, and she has given me many messages for the people of Gaia regarding our Blended Children.

2.  I have received a few messages from Ashtar and they have all been loved-filled. If they weren’t, I would not have taken them and I would not share them.

3.  Two of my Soul Sparks* who work with the Ashtar Command have been working with me on a novel since 2009. They are basically dictating the fictional novel to me.

4.  I have been aboard the New Jerusalem myself many times; I know Ashtar and Sananda personally and I have my own quarters there because I visit so often. This is not intended to sound boastful; it is just truth.

Could you please give us your perspective, dear H.S.?

HS:  I see that this has you upset, and I understand. This topic is, of course, very sensitive and personal for you. I would love to speak with you about this tonight!

As you learned many years ago in 1997, when you first read about the Ashtar Command, they are the "airborne division" of the Galactic Federation and are headed up by Ashtar and Sananda. “Ashtar” is indeed his title, not his name. And Sananda is there (in one of his many roles) as a joint representative of the Ashtar Command; not to say that he is a military person, but he and Ashtar together head up the Ashtar Command.

The Ashtar Command has many ships. You have been on the New Jerusalem and the Neptune. You, dear heart do have a personal connection with the Ashtar Command. As you know, two of your Soul Sparks; Sheran and Laolin both work with the Ashtar Command, so, of course they will speak to you. These people you mentioned who recently talked about the A.C. cannot speak for the Ashtar Command. They may think they know the general business of the Ashtar Command, but of course, they don’t know everything. The Ashtar Command communicates with their Soul Sparks and those who work with them on Gaia. Two of your Soul Sparks work with them in the future and in the past and in all kinds of timelines. Not to mention that your daughter, Ashtara is currently serving with them.

I can confirm that there indeed has been an Ashtar Command psy-op running on Gaia. There have been negative energy influencers who have taken up the name Ashtar and gave channeled messages to many people who were unsuspecting of the negative message. This of course was to darken the name.

There have also been messages, rumors and false information planted and scattered about Gaia’s alternate news outlets that the AC was involved in trafficking of Gaia’s humans in the space slave trade. This is false. As you know, when the “dark” ran these negative psy-op programs, they were doing it to besmirch or smudge the name of whomever they were targeting, in this case, the Ashtar Command. They do this because of the stellar role that the Ashtar Command is playing in the Earth’s Ascension. They are the military arm; they are the ones on the front lines taking care of various off-world militants who wish to harm Gaia and all her peoples. The Ashtar Command was the front line to prevent this from happening. There are many operations where the Ashtar Command worked with the space fleet of Earth to defeat those who were attacking Mars and Jupiter bases. They were trying to get to Earth.

So, the Ashtar Command has excelled in stellar operations. They of course, do not look for adulation from Gaians at all. It is their Service. They are in Service to the One Creator; they are doing their job and do not look for anything from Gaians. They are working in partnership with the Galactic Federation of Light so that is their role, it’s what they do.

It is because of your personal connection to members of the Ashtar Command that you have been in contact with them, and you visit the New Jerusalem regularly. You have your own quarters there, visit your daughter and Sananda, and Ashtar allows you to come on the Command Deck whenever you wish. You have a role there as your current DD self. At this time, you aren’t aware of what it is and that is how it is meant to be for now.

So, your intuition on the news of this past week is correct. You’ve taken a few messages from Ashtar and he has communicated with you.

Daughter Ashtara is indeed training for the position of Ashtar as many others are. And that’s the way it has always been. You cannot just train one person for that position. It is a massive amount of responsibility, so many Beings are in training for that role. They work their way up and learn along the way with fantastic mentorship and training. Whomever succeeds in that position has had “a village” in getting there, they have had much support and that’s how it works.

DD: Thank you, dear HS! I did re-read the Ashtar messages that I have received over the years and the one that I posted on my blog and they are not fear based.   I feel badly for those people who thought they really were talking to Ashtar but weren’t.   

HS: Yes, channeling is not easy. One must always do their spiritual protections and state their intent so that only those of the light may come through them. That is what this one, DD does and that is the way to do it. “Only those of the Light may speak through me.” Command it and make it so. That way, only those of the Light may speak with you. That’s how it works. That is a head’s up to anyone who wants to try channeling. EVERYONE CAN DO IT. You most likely do it very often and don’t realize it. In your everyday conversations, if you offer advice, it might be coming from your own Higher Self.

Just make sure that when you are making the choice to channel, when you sit down and are intending to receive a message from a certain Being, that you first put your spiritual protections in place.  (DD note: there are many methods of spiritual protection available online, please research if you aren’t familiar with them). Then invoke that: “Only those of the light may come to me, speak with me, speak through me or give me a message.” Call on all your Spirit Guides, Angel protectors and you will be protected.

DD: Thank you so very much, H.S.! I am sharing this very personal message with the world because I wished to stand up for those like me who have a Soul Spark in the Ashtar Command or works with them directly and have communicated with members of the Ashtar Command. The information that the Ashtar Command absolutely does not communicate with anyone on Gaia is untrue and needed to be refuted.  


*Soul Spark – One of our many ‘lives.’ Past, present and future versions of ourselves throughout time and space which are all happening now. We can connect and talk with them! Try it!


Here's the link to the Ashtar message that I posted:   


Please feel free to share this message!

Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

* * * * *
P.S. - This looks like the same content and message that I originally found on the Ashtar Command in 1997.   It's excellent!  
* * * * *

Saturday, December 18, 2021

GALACTIC FEDERATION OF LIGHT: “Grand news to bring much jubilation…your Ascension Event!” 12-18-21


Galactic Federation of Light:
“Grand news to bring much jubilation...your Ascension Event!”

 “This message regarding the Ascension Event is general in nature and is meant to be broadcast to all peoples of Gaia.”      The Galactic Federation of Light

December 18, 2021

“We come with this message tonight for all our Gaian family. Things have been changing dramatically upon your world, and you have all felt it for many years now. The pace has quickened. World events are happening that you do not understand. Massive energy has been sent to Gaia via solar flares and other celestial events. Your personal lives changed severely in the last year and a half, and this break forced many Gaians to re-evaluate their lives. All this chaos is not coincidence, dear Gaians. It is all connected, all of this has a purpose, and that purpose is your Ascension.

It is the time for hu-manity on Gaia to Ascend. This is grand, historic news that should bring much jubilation to your hearts! Much jubilation! It is not something to be feared, it is something to be ecstatic about! For this process, your spiritual development, has been millennia in the making—millennia! Many races of the Galactic Federation have watched over Gaia and your progress (you as in the hu-mans on Gaia) all this time.

This message is meant to be broadcast to all Gaians; it is not just intended for the spiritually aware. Those who are unaware of the Ascension of all hu-mans need to be informed so that everyone may experience this natural process with ease and joy.

As ascension events happen so very infrequently, and no Beings generally live long enough in-between these events, there are no records that you may refer to if you research the Ascension. There is no information on what happened last time. And to be clear, the structure of the Ascension you will experiences is vastly different than any other that has happened prior on Gaia. This time, Gaians have chosen to ascend in their bodies, as opposed to ‘passing over’ as you say, and their spirit being elevated to the next level without a body. Yes, we said ‘Gaians have chosen’ as “you” as a collective decided how your Ascension would occur.

Many of you may have experienced what some people refer to as “Ascension symptoms” as your bodies have literally been changed in these last 20-30 years. You have been increasing your vibrations and slowly ascending all this time, of course. Gradually your bodies have been changed, the matter that makes up your bodies has been changed. You are lighter. You literally can hold more light in your bodies now than you did 20 or 30 years ago; much, much more light! Have you noticed that you eat differently? Sleep differently? Many people understand these things; but many others have not heard of them and may be surprised when certain things begin to happen. This is why we wished to come speak with you tonight.

The first thing that you may notice when the Ascension Event begins to happen, (if you are on the side of the planet where people are awake and going about their day), is that people will suddenly become quiet. If they are driving a car, they will pull over because their Higher Self is telling them to do so. If they are running, say jogging for exercise, they will stop. So, whatever people are doing, they will suddenly stop and be quiet. We account for things such as flying airplanes, people going very fast in cars, trains or ships. We watch over and protect them.

People will want to lay down where-ever they are. If you are working in an office, you will put your head down on your desk. Or, if you are working outdoors at a construction site, or just outside in general, people will stop and lay down where they were standing. In the hours preceding this event, people will be guided to find a place where they may lay down. For example, if they are driving, they will be guided to pull over and find a place to park so that they may lay down in their cars. The Ascension Event is one that people will need to be unconscious. It is something where people will need to lay down and rest as they will be in a state of extreme exhaustion, just wanting sleep. It is a natural process.

The people on the dark side of the planet will experience this while they are asleep. In this manner, you will dream the experience. Everyone will dream the experience. It will be a beautiful dream! Honestly, people will dream of some mode of transportation, and they will get off this transportation at the appropriate spot for them. There are many different levels that people will be ascending to and that should make sense to everyone because people are at all different levels spiritually, so it is not like everyone will arrive at the same point. Do you understand?

People will go to the area that feels comfortable to them, whether it is 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D or higher. When they get there, they will rest for a bit more, they literally are going there in their bodies. They will dream the experience but wake up there in their bodies. You will not feel afraid, you will feel a bit confused but your Angel guides, your Spirit guides and/or your Higher Self will be there to talk you through it.

We give you these examples of what the Ascension Event may look like in your world with the hope that this information will be a comfort to many. We know that there is concern regarding the separation of your family and friends who may end up in a different destination than you. When that happens (because it will happen to many different people), you will not mourn them as if they are dead. You will understand that you went to where you were meant to go, and they did the same. You will feel connected to them, you will still remember them. You will mourn their loss, but not as if they were dead. You will feel comforted. As we stated earlier, your Angel and Spirit Guides and Higher Self will always be with you to provide understanding.

We will take our leave. We are happy to have brought you this message on this night. We are the ones of the Galactic Federation of Light who have been tasked with sending this message to Gaians. Adonai. Namaste.”


Please feel free share this message! 

Received through Dancing Dolphin

Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

Monday, October 25, 2021

June 2009 Crop Circle translation: Galactic Federation of Light


Crop Circle translation:

Galactic Federation of Light

Star Glyph of June 2009 in England

Received through Dancing Dolphin October 23, 2021


Image courtesy of Lucy Pringle’s website here:

Crop circle June 2009 England

Dear Hu-mans* of Earth,

Attention! Attention! The time of the ‘Great Experiment’ has ended. Time everlasting on your planet has been devoted to the contributions of hu-mans and their potential to inhabit the galaxy and the omniverse. The ‘Great Experiment’ has been a test of your species. The test has been long and arduous and even longer and more difficult than you realize. After eons of watching and observing, we have decided that the future of hu-mankind in the galaxy is not to be reckoned with. This means that it is inevitable. You have proved yourselves worthy of joining (what you may call) the Galactic Federation of Light, (but what we call) Our Group of Enlightened Beings from all over your galaxy, the universe and even beyond what you can imagine.  

We are an enlightened bunch who have, as you have, traversed the many trials of lower density life. Through our dedication to persevering (just has you have), we climbed the ladder of consciousness and were granted travel among the stars. This too has been your journey and it has been fraught with seemingly everlasting death, violence and darkness.

But through it all you have had help from Enlightened Beings who wished to assist, and this assistance was granted. These Beings seeded light where necessary to nudge you on your spiritual evolution. Their delicate guidance over and over and over again throughout your darkest history has been fruitful. Seeds of light were planted, and they bloomed and assisted in spreading light wisdom, love and empathy across the planet. Your society, your kingdom of many races has finally conjoined and gathered in service of the One, in service of love, and has tipped the scales in the favor of the light.

Needless to say, this brings all of us who have been observing your species great joy! For even though to you it may seem as if we were cold, non-feeling, distant, non-emotional Beings watching you as “lab rats” nothing could be further from the truth! **  During all the eons that we observed you we were rooting for you and cheering you on.  We greatly desired your success, for we see in you the qualities of Prime Creator, our Creator! We do wish to get to know you better, to meet you, co-create with you and show you things. Things that will help you and your society as Gaians, these things will help you further ascend on your spiritual path. But we could only do this when you (Gaians) reached a certain level of light quotient (as you think of it).

Congratulations dear Hu-Mans, you have completed the Grand Experiment!! You have turned the darkness into light! You have assisted Gaia in rising again and helping her to ascend as well.  We are ones of the Galactic Federation of Light (what you call us), we bring you Greetings, we bring you Congratulations, we bring you our Love and our Joy!

The old ways of what you term your ‘3D life’ will be ending very shortly and soon you will all graduate into a life that you can barely even imagine. We won’t waste time in trying to explain it, but please know that you will all be overjoyed. Many, many, many great things are coming for you, your family and all your loved ones. We know over the eons that countless lifetimes have been extremely difficult for all of you.  This is why we continue to say Congratulations for your steadfast pursuance of climbing out of the darkness to the light; for your dedication and persevering through extremely difficult times---we applaud you!

Peace and Love to All on Gaia!



*Note: Hu-man is used when one is emphasizing that “Hu” means “god,” so we are “god-men” (and women).


**"DD is translating, we are sending her thought nuggets and she translates it into your tongue so you can understand.”  They said this because I paused when they stated, “Nothing could be further from the truth!”  I thought, “Wow, how funny they would say it like that, it sounds just like me”.  LOL.  Our brains are amazing.


Please feel free to share this message! 

Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

*Artist rendering of the Galactic Federation of Light*

Timely message for Lightworkers: Metatron, Sananda, Mother Mary & Ashtar

  September Update for Lightworkers  Metatron, Sananda, Mother Mary & Ashtar September 1, 2024 Hello, Lightworkers! I felt a giddy ener...