Friday, August 7, 2020

"Your Hybrid Children are Coming" Arcturian message through Daniel Scranton

Dear Lightworkers:

Hello!  I'm sorry that I have been absent lately; I've been acting as a caregiver for my parents.  I'm so blessed to still have my parents at my age and I enjoy the time that I get to spend with them. They are precious. I hope to get back to receiving messages for you soon!  

In the meantime, a dear friend sent this to me and I wanted to share it with you.  It confirms what ASHTARA has been saying all along!  Our blended (hybrid) children are coming to Gaia!!  I also like this message as it stresses the importance of raising our own vibration so that we may interact with them.  

Here's the link to Daniel Scranton's message:

Take good care of yourselves and your families!  We're all in this together.  And the Lion's Gate is coming this weekend!  Very powerful energies abound.  

Love & Light, 
Dancing Dolphin

My Solar Eclipse Photos from Aug 21, 2017 with UFO's

HINT: Zoom in on 'yellow' cloud to the top left of the crescent sun, look around the edges. The ships look like a dark dot in these ...